Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Onkyo Car Satellite TV System ONKYO gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 100
Reference Information
Television (T to Z)
Tacico 10178, 11150
Tai Yi 11150
Talent 10178
Tashiko 10650, 11150
Tatung 10037, 11150
TCL 12434, 13183,
13426, 12414,
TCM 10714
Teac 10037, 11037,
10698, 10714,
11755, 10171,
Tec 10037
Tech Line 10037, 11585
Technica 11037
Technics 10556, 10650
Technika 11667, 12676
TechniSat 10556
Technisson 10714
Techno 11585
Technosonic 10556, 10625
Techwood 11667, 11037,
Tecnimagen 10556
Teco 10178, 10653
Tedelex 10208
Teknika 10150
TELE System 11585
Telecor 10037
Telefunken 10625, 12676,
12414, 10698,
11585, 10037,
10714, 11667
Telefusion 10037
Telegazi 10037
Telemeister 10037
Telesonic 10037
Telestar 10037, 10556
Teletech 10037, 11037
Teleview 10037
Tennessee 10037
Tensai 10037, 11037
Terris 11667
Tesla 11037, 10037,
10556, 10714
Tevion 10714, 11037,
10037, 10556,
11585, 11667
Thomson 10625, 11447,
Thorn 10037
TMK 10178
TNCi 10017
Tokai 10037, 11037
Tokaido 11037
Topline 11037
Toshiba 11508, 11524,
11656, 12676,
10508, 13570,
10650, 11037,
10195, 10618,
11150, 11169
TRANS-continents 10037, 10556,
Transonic 10037, 10698
Triad 10556
Triumph 10037, 10556
TVTEXT 95 10556
Uher 10037
Ultravox 10037
Unic Line 10037
Uniden 12122, 12676,
United 10714, 11037,
10037, 10556
Universal 10037, 10714
Universum 10037, 11037,
10195, 10618
Univox 10037
V7 Videoseven 11755
Vestel 11037, 10037,
11585, 11667
Vexa 10037
Victor 11428, 10650,
Videocon 10508, 10037
VideoSystem 10037
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 11755, 12049,
Vision 11826, 10037
VIZIO 11758, 13758,
Vortec 10037
Voxson 10037, 10178,
VU 11365
Walker 12676, 11667,
Waltham 10037, 11037
Wards 10017, 10000,
Watson 11037, 10037,
Wega 10037
Welltech 10714
Weltstar 11037
Westinghouse 11712, 11826,
11755, 12397
Westwood 11585
Wharfedale 11667, 10037,
White Westinghouse 10037
Wilson 10556
Windsor 11037
Windy Sam 10556
Wintel 10714
Wyse 11365
Xiahua 10698
Xiron 11037
XLogic 10698
Xoceco 10037, 12461
Xrypton 10037
Yamaha 11576, 10650
Yamishi 10037
Yokan 10037
Yoko 10037
YU-MA-TU 10037
Zenith 10017, 10178,
11423, 12731,
11365, 12358,
Zepto 11585
Zonda 10698
TV DVD Combination
Akai 12676, 32966
Alba 12676, 32966
Black Diamond 11037, 30713
Blue Sky 11037, 30713
Bush 12676, 10698,
11037, 30713,
Centrum 11037, 30713
Crown 11037, 30713
Dual 11037, 30713
Dynex 12049
Elfunk 11037, 30713
Emerson 11864, 11394,
Ferguson 11037, 30713
Funai 11394, 30675
Goodmans 11037, 12676,
30713, 32966
Grandin 30713
Grundig 30539
Hitachi 12676, 11037,
30713, 32966
Insignia 12049
JVC 12271, 11774
LG 11423
Linsar 12676, 32966
Logik 11037, 30713
Luxor 11037, 30713
Magnavox 12372