Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Onkyo Car Satellite TV System ONKYO gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 100
Reference Information
Philco 13426, 12414,
10037, 10178
Philips 10037, 12800,
10556, 11887,
11867, 11506,
12372, 12680,
11454, 10171,
11365, 10017,
10000, 10178,
Phocus 10714
Phoenix 10037
Phonola 10037, 10556
Pioneer 11457, 10037,
10698, 11636,
PJ 11506
Plantron 10037
Playsonic 10714, 10037
Polaroid 12676, 11826
Powerpoint 10037, 10698
Prima 12461
Prinston 11037
Pro Vision 10037, 10556,
 10037
Proline 10625, 10037,
11037, 12676
Proscan 11447
Prosonic 10714, 12676,
10037, 11585,
Protech 10037, 11037
Proton 10178
Pulsar 10017
Pye 10037, 10556
Qingdao 10208
Quadro 11667
Quasar 11291, 10650
Quelle 10037, 11037,
R-Line 10037
Radiola 10037, 10556
Radiomarelli 10037
RadioShack 10037, 10178
Radiotone 10037, 11037
RCA 11447, 12746,
10625, 12434,
12932, 12187,
10000, 10178,
10618, 11454,
Realistic 10178
Recor 10037
Rectiligne 10037
Red Star 10037
 10037, 11037
Relisys 11585
Relon 11826
Remotec 10037, 10171
Reoc 10714
Revox 10037
RFT 10037
Roadstar 11037, 10037,
Rowa 10698, 10037
Runco 10017
Saba 10625, 10714,
Sagem 10618
Saivod 11037, 10037
Salora 10208
Sampo 11755, 10171,
10178, 10650
Samsung 12051, 11632,
10618, 10037,
10556, 10178,
10208, 11150
Sansui 10037, 10714
Sanyo 10208, 11142,
11585, 12676,
12461, 11974,
12769, 10508,
11037, 11150,
11365, 11667
SBR 10037, 10556
Schaub Lorenz 10714, 12676,
Schneider 10037, 10556,
10714, 11037,
11585, 12676
Schontech 11037
Scotch 10178
Scott 10178
Sears 10171, 10178
Seelver 11037
SEG 11037, 10037,
SEI 10037
Sei-Sinudyne 10037
Semp Toshiba 13793
Sencor 10714
Senzu 12493
Serie Dorada 10178
Shanghai 10208
Sharp 11659, 12360,
10818, 11393,
12676, 10650,
11165, 11423
Sheng Chia 11150
Shintoshi 10037
Shivaki 10178, 10037
Siam 10037
Siemens 10195, 10037
Siera 10556, 10037
Silva 10037
Silva Schneider 10037
SilverCrest 12676, 11037
Sinudyne 10037
SKY 10037
Skyworth 12769, 10037,
Solavox 10037
Soniko 10037
Soniq 12493
Sonitron 10208
Sonneclair 10037
Sonoko 10037
Sonolor 10208
Sontec 10037
Sony 12778, 11825,
10810, 10000,
11651, 11505,
Soundesign 10178
Soundwave 10037, 11037
Sowa 10178, 11150
Soyea 10698
Soyo 11826
Squareview 10171
SR Standard 10037, 11037
Starlite 10037
STI 13793
Strato 10037
Sunny 10037
Sunstar 10037
Sunstech 12676
Sunwood 10037
Supersonic 10208
SuperTech 10037, 10556
Supra 10178
Supreme 10000
Svasa 10208
Sylvania 10171, 11864,
Symphonic 10171, 11394
Synco 11755, 10000,
10178, 11826
Sysline 10037