Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Onkyo Car Satellite TV System ONKYO gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 100
Reference Information
Remote Control Code List
Television (A to E)
A.R. Systems 10037, 10556
Accent 10037
Acoustic Solutions 11667, 11585,
Action 10650
Addison 10653, 11150
AEG 11037
Aiko 10037
Aim 10037
Akai 10037, 12676,
10208, 10714,
10556, 12414,
13183, 10178
Akiba 10037
Akito 10037
Akura 10037, 10714,
11667, 11585,
10171, 11037
Alba 11037, 12676,
10037, 10714,
Alien 11037
Allstar 10037
Amstrad 10037, 10171,
Anam 10037, 10650
Andersson 11585, 12676
Anitech 10037
Ansonic 10037
AOC 11365, 12769,
10178, 10625,
Apex Digital 12397
Ardem 10714, 10037
Arena 10037
Ario 12397
Aristona 10556, 10037
ART 11037
Art Mito 11585
Asberg 10037
Astra 10037
ATD 10698
Atlantic 10037
Audiosonic 10714, 10037
Audioworld 10698
Autovox 12676
Aventura 10171
Axxon 10714
Baird 10208
Barco 10556
Base 10698
Basic Line 10037, 11037,
Baur 10037, 10195
Beaumark 10178
Beijing 10208
Beko 10714, 10037
Bell & Howell 10017
Belson 10698
Belstar 11037
Beon 10037
Berthen 10556
Bestar 10037
Bexa 12493
BGH 12414
Black Diamond 11037
Blaupunkt 10195
Blue Sky 10714, 10037,
11037, 10556,
BPL 10208, 10037
Brandt 10625, 11585,
Brinkmann 10037
Brionvega 10037
Britania 12414
Bush 11037, 10037,
10714, 12676,
11667, 10208,
10556, 10698,
Byd:sign 12209
Camper 10037
Carad 11037
Carena 10037
Carrefour 10037
Cascade 10037
Casio 10037
Cathay 10037
CCE 13782, 10037
Celcus 12676, 11585
Celebrity 10000
Centrum 11037
Centurion 10037
Changhong 13434, 12769,
Chimei 12769
Chun Yun 10000, 11150
Chung Hsin 11150
Clarivox 10037
Clatronic 10037, 10714
Clayton 11037
Coby 13478
Commercial Solutions 11447
Condor 10037
Conrowa 10698
Contec 10037
Cosmel 10037
CPTEC 10625
Crown 10037, 10714,
10208, 11037
Crypton 11667
Curtis 12397
Cyberpix 11667
D-Vision 10037, 10556
Daewoo 10037, 10556,
10178, 11150
Dansai 10037, 10208
Dantax 11037, 10714,
Datsura 10208
Dawa 10037
Daytron 10037
De Graaf 10208
Decca 10037
Denver 10037
Desmet 10037
Diamant 10037
Diamond 10698
Digatron 10037
Digihome 11667, 12676
Digiline 10037
Digisonic 11826
Digitor 10698, 10037
Dixi 10037
Drean 10037
DSE 10698
Dual 11667, 10037,
11037, 11585,
12676, 10714
Dumont 10017
Durabrand 10171, 10178,
10714, 11037
Dux 10037
DX Antenna 13817
Dynatron 10037
Dynex 12049
E.S.C. 10037
ECE 10037
Elbe 10037, 10556
Electroband 10000
Electrograph 11755
Elektra 10017
Elfunk 11037
ELG 10037
Elin 10037
Elite 10037