Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Onkyo Car Satellite TV System ONKYO gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 100
Reference Information
Leyco 10037
LG 11840, 11860,
11423, 12731,
12182, 12358,
12362, 10178,
12424, 10037,
10714, 10017,
10556, 10698
LiesenKotter 10037
Lifetec 10037, 11037,
Linetech 12676
Linsar 12676, 11667,
Local India Brand 10208
Local Malaysia Brand 10698
Lodos 11037
Loewe 10633
Logik 11037, 10698,
Luma 11037
Lumatron 10037
Lumenio 10037
Lux May 10037
Luxor 11037, 12676,
LXI 10178
Madison 10037
Magnavox 12372, 11454,
11506, 10171,
11365, 11755,
Magnum 10714, 10037
Manesth 10037
Manhattan 10037, 11037
Marantz 10037, 10556
Mark 10037, 10714
Mastro 10698
Masuda 10037
Matsui 10037, 10195,
10208, 11037,
10714, 10556,
11667, 12676
Matsushita 10650
Maxent 11755
Maxess 12493
Meck 10698
Mediator 10037, 10556
Medion 10714, 10037,
11037, 12676,
11667, 10556,
10698, 11585
Megatron 10178
MEI 11037
Melectronic 10037, 10195,
Memorex 10178, 10150,
Mercury 10037
Mermaid 10037
Metronic 10625
Metz 11037, 10195
MGA 10150, 10178
Micromaxx 10037, 10714,
Midland 10017
Mikomi 11585, 11667
Minato 10037
Minerva 10195
Ministry Of Sound 11667
Minoka 10037
Mitsubishi 10150, 11250,
12313, 10178,
10037, 10556,
11150, 11037,
Moree 10037
Morgan's 10037
Moserbaer 11585
MTlogic 10714
Mudan 10208
Multitec 11037, 10037
Multitech 10037
Myryad 10556
NAD 10037, 10178
Naiko 10037
Nakimura 10037
National 10208, 10508
NEC 12461, 10178,
10508, 10653,
Neckermann 10037, 10556
NEI 10037, 11037
Neoka 11826
Netsat 10037
NetTV 11755
Neufunk 10556, 10714,
Nevir 12676
New Sonic 11826
New Tech 10037, 10556
Newave 10178, 11150
Nikkai 10037
Nikkei 10714
Nikko 10178
Nokia 10208
Norcent 11365
Nordmende 10195, 11585,
10037, 10714,
Normerel 10037
Novatronic 10037
Novita 11585
NPG 13434
Television (O to S)
Oceanic 10208
OK Line 11037
OK. 13434, 12676
Okano 10037
OKI 11667, 12676,
13434, 11585
Omni 10698
Onei 11667
Onida 10653, 12414
Onimax 10714
Onix 10698
Onkyo 11807, 13100,
Onn 11667
Opera 10037, 10714
Optimus 10650
Orava 11037
Orbit 10037
Orion 10037, 10556,
10714, 11037,
Orline 10037
Ormond 11037
Osaki 10037, 10556
Osio 10037
Osume 10037
Otto Versand 10037, 10556,
 10714, 11037,
Palladium 10037, 10714,
Palsonic 12461, 10698,
Panama 10037
Panasonic 11636, 11291,
11480, 11650,
10650, 13825,
12170, 10037,
10208, 10508
Panavideo 13825
Panavision 10037
Panda 10208, 10508,
Penney 10178
Perdio 10037
Perfekt 10037